Iterative Robot Template?

I am looking for the C++ template project mentioned in the Getting Started With C document under the section titled “Creating a Robot Project”. Based on what it says there should be two examples: one called Simple Robot Template and another called Iterative Robot Template.

I do see “FRC Simple Robot Template” in the Sample Project Template list, but do not see any templates with Iterative Robot anywhere in the name.

The only example project I’ve found so far that uses the IterativeRobot class is the one called “FRC Default Program (Current with imaging tool)” which is what we used last year as a starting point and worked fine.

Just wondering if maybe I am missing something.

Are you sure you have this years Wind River installed? Last year’s distribution only came with one or two example projects. If you install the Wind River updates from WPI I think they have the example projects included with them as well.

The Iterative Robot Template was there after the DVD installation, but inexplicably went away (at least by that name) when the C++ update was applied.

The WRW example:

WindRiver => New => Example => VxWorks Downloadable Kernel Module Sample Project => FRC Default Program (Current with imaging tool)

is of the Iterative Robot base class. It has a lot of code you can leverage or rip out.

It was simply renamed to “FRC Default Program (Current with imaging tool)”. It’s the same thing.

Actually, it’s not the same. The “FRC Default Program (Current with imaging tool)” has a lot of code that you might not want. It’s the default code, not a blank template, which I believe is what jalburty wanted.