Here you all go, you have wanted a vidoe of our robot driveing with the omni-drive system, so now you have it. I must admit that this video is REALLY REALLY WELL DONE!!! Of course I would say that since I made it. LOL :smiley:

So here you all go, let me know how you like it.

The Omni-Wheel Drive System (3:20) 15mg

Team Driver/Designer

Love the video!!!
The wheels design is awesome, are they difficult to drive with?
Couldn’t help but notice that both ends of the bot are open. Will you be collecting balls from both sides?

It’s actually really easy to drive. It is alot of fun to drive to. since it can go in any direction I want. :smiley: :ahh: And thanks for the comment on the movie.

Team Driver/Designer

once again i will note on pages that dont load in firefox.

i suggest the IE view exxtension for firefox
it works really well

Great vid very crazy wheel design very cool

2 words:

freakin sweet

Cool video. Way cool drivetrain. Congratulations.

We’ve done holonimic drive before. It is very complicated to design and program, but the rewards are sweet when it works.

How fast does it go? The top speed in the video seems rather sluggish…

Kudos overall though. What are you controlling it with?

It is actually really fast. In the video, I’m driving it a little slower then how fast it really goes. I was driving slow becuase I wasn’t really comfertable driving fast in that area when we filmed that. Now that I’m used to it, I can drive really fast!!! :smiley: :ahh:

As for what I’m driving with, I have it set up as a HALO controlles.
It’s a two joystick drive. The left one makes it go forward, backwards, strafe left and strafe right. The second joystick makes it rotate left and right. It works really well. It is really fun to drive.

Team Driver/Designer

Awesome, just awesome. Glad to see some teams are still letting students design and implement innovative ideas. Maybe you could even use the PS2 controller mod with it…

Very nice job on fabrication and control.

I think this type of wheel is usually called a mecanum , rather than an omniwheel.

Then who’s Stephen Shuler?

The video looks great. The robot looks even better.

(Forget the Great Traction Wheel Debate of 2006–I’m already calling the Great Mecanum Wheel Debate of 2008.)

That’s how Team 95’s controls are set up as well. We’re still tweaking it, but our holonomic drive seems to be working quite well at the moment. Ours is done a lot differently than yours (we’re using a 3-DOF arrangment of omni-wheels, not mechanum wheels), I’ll try to get a pic for y’all.

wow that is really awesome great job!

What do you mean by that???

Team Driver/Designer

Looks great guys!

One question though-
How much traction do you get, and will that be an issue when playing defense/being pushed?

Are you guys going to put a shooter on that thing or is it going to harvest. I would suggest a shooter because with that kind of wheel design, it would be much eassier to aim with.

Since we’re sharing videos, here’s team 95’s test chassis, taken sometime last week:

Video of Team 95’s Test Chassis

(the gyro feedback has been fixed since this video, it’s much smoother now)

It’s a holonomic drive using omniwheels in an H-pattern, with some additional friction wheels on the corner to assist in bot-pushing and ramp climbing. We broke this one down, however, and are rebuilding the system in our final bot (integrating in a ball harvester and ball shooter).

WOW :ahh:

Thats pretty amazing. Last year we tried something like that but was not able to complete it. Good Job. Good luck wth the rest of your season

When you play the movie the author comes up as Stephen Shuler (or however you spell it). Also that isn’t omni drive, its jester or mecanum drive as Richard calls it. Looks great though. You shouldn’t have any problem with out maneuvering other robots but you might want to stay out of pushing matches. I like the HALO setup, great idea!