J&J Mid Atlantic Regional

*Originally posted by Spikey *
**Team 293 will be there!!
All the BMS teams will be there! Maybe there will be a huge company showdown!
Can’t wait! **

Perhaps an all BMS match? 1089 and their mentors 25 versus? But wait, there’s 5 teams. Darn. doesn’t work out. Maybe they could be a third team just to guard the ramp. There you go, 2v2v1.

Is anyone staying at the Hyatt?:confused:

So, what teams will be part of our “Sports Meeting”? 25, 1089, 222, 293 and us (1156)? Will we play soccer? Football? Basketball? All of them? :smiley: Can’t wait!

PS: We don’t know where we’ll stay yet… and, sorry about my english, but what does BMS means?

BMS= Bristol Myers Squibb, its a pharmaceutical company that sponsors us

I can’t run yet due to my torn ligament on my Achille’s tendent in the heel. (ouchies!)

I can ref after competition though. :smiley:

Hmmmm…football. I vote Big Mike as offensive lineman :smiley:

why is it that when ever there is somthing to do with the use of a large freak of nature, you guys come to me, i think i am being used by my team, i think i am gonna cry:( :frowning:

Thanks for the definition about BMS… silly brazilian rookies… :rolleyes: About Replic, he is injured, but he
can get a megaphone and be the referee, what do you think? :smiley: Hope you get better soon :slight_smile: Just to remeber, if we’ll play football, you’ll have to be pacient with us… all I know about football is: “catch the ball and run as faster as you can” :smiley:

Team 88 TJ2 will be at NJ. Look for us we will be in the Tie-Dye shirts, do not forget we are the only team with the certified Tie-Dye MOE socks and Tie-Dye team shirts, pins etc. to trade, come early to the our pit, to trade. Good luck to all the teams in first and see you in NJ, also Check out our web page- - TJ2.org

TEAM 88 TJ 2 and M O E

Thats us! We’ll be there!

Looking forward to it.

We’ll be the shiny ones.

Team 56 will definitely be there! I’m definitely in for football or soccer… I mean I’m not that good but it’ll be fun!

Cool :smiley: For sure we’ll have a lot of fun :smiley:

You’ll see Team 102’s X-Wave there, too.

me wanna play! i call goalie or left full-back! unless we play football & then i call center (offense) and nose-guard (defense) yay! sports are fun!

yeah, i be hyper. and i also be a super huge fan of soccer! :smiley:
seeing as i played for oh, 9 years!

(coming from a swimmer of 12 years) now, if only there was a way to have a swim meet…ponders
nah, don’t think that’d be possible

*Originally posted by AParadkar *
**You’ll see Team 102’s X-Wave there, too. **

Hmm, two "Ameya"s in one building? That’s just weird…

*Originally posted by BandChick *
** yeah, i be hyper. and i also be a super huge fan of soccer! :smiley:
seeing as i played for oh, 9 years! **

Cooooooool :smiley:
I was almost thinking that we’d (1156) be the only ones that
want to play soccer! Brazilian fanatics…


*Originally posted by Ameya *
**Hmm, two "Ameya"s in one building? That’s just weird… **

wow thats a rare name, this may be a sign of the appocolypse<sp?> or somthing else bad :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey, just wondering… where we’ll play? :slight_smile: (I guess I’ve already asked this… anyway…)! Well, for sure it will be a big event! :smiley:

If our drill motors don’t end up shooting gears throughout the field again, I’m sure I’ll actually have a lunch break this competition to watch.

As for the multiple names, we got 12 something Mikes on our team alone. Quite confusing

Where are u staying?