Jaguar placement

Is there any rule against placing Jaguars on the side of a gear box?

Thanks in advance.

There is no FRC rule about placement…

…but there is also this little thing known as common sense. Why would you place a rather expensive electronic component right next to a bunch of rotating parts that could damage it? Personally, that’s asking for trouble. Think of the possibilities…
–gear tooth snaps off and lands in the Jag.
–gearbox shakes under a sudden heavy load, shaking off the Jag.
–rotating shafts grind through the bottom casing of the Jag.

See what I’m getting at here?

I agree, you should keep the electronics and the wiring away from the moving parts. Last thing you want is a fire or burnt out component cause power wires get ought up in a chain and broken.

We have found Polycarbonate to be the best material for mounting electronics. It is very strong, clear, and available in all sizes.

The Jaguar has a temperature probe built in that senses ambient temperature for the fan operation and failsafe for overall device operation. Since transmissions do get warm to hot from frictional forces, I would not recommend mounting the Jaguar close to the transmission. I also make the same recommendation for the PD. The circuit breakers are a temperature sensitive device. If the temperature is elevated, the trip point is adversely affected.