Jaguars aren't responding with RobotDrive.

Hi we are team 3835 and we have a pretty serious problem.
We have 6 jaguars hooked up to 4 cim motors and 2 smaller motors.
The problem is that it seems we cannot define more then 4 jaguars
in the file and when we try to define them, NONE of the jaguars respond (blinking in orange light)
we defined 4 jaguars and it worked but when we added the the 5th jaguar
it seems that none of them work.

Here are some things we checked:
-pwm’s cable are connected ok
-teleop is ok
-battery is full
-all cables are connected good and are in a good condition
-we have connection with the robot.

why are you initializing jaguars? Just initialize the motors

Four PWM outputs work. Five do not. That’s a common symptom this year. Have you double-checked your Digital Sidecar to make sure it has a solid 12 volt power input? Are all three of its power LEDs (BAT, 6V, 5V) brightly lit? Describe what the Robot Signal Light is doing when the robot is working, and when it is not.