James Tonthat / Texas Torque #1477 is AWESOME!!

SORRY for the LATE posting here… after the Cow Town ThrowDown I started getting ill which led to an emergency hospitalization with some upcoming surgery to fix the situation… OF COURSE, I’m scheduling surgery around the build-season… :wink:

Can you imagine the stress we were under almost having to cancel our drive up to Kansas City for the Cow Town ThrowDown because of Victor connectivity problems < http://www.chiefdelphi.com/forums/showthread.php?t=98081 > with less than one day till we had to begin our fifteen hour drive OR not go at all…

THEN, out of nowhere we’re contacted by James Tonthat who’s up in Austin over 90 minutes drive away and offers to come THAT DAY all-the-way down to San Antonio to help our rookie team out!!

HOW do you properly express with words HOW awesome it was of James to do this?!

WHAT is it about this FIRST FRC program that attracts folks like James who go to that extent to help a competitor?!

It’s one of the things that makes me more enamored with this program as we experience more and more…

James, THANK YOU so much for taking valuable time from your studies to spend the evening/night helping our team overcome a major problem…

You and your team, Texas Torque #1477, are exemplars of Gracious Professionalism and being off-the-charts helpful!!

James Tonthat is by far one of the best mentors I have met in FRC. He’s an awesome guy both on an off the field and his team is a class act.

Love that guy.

Not many threads make me smile, but this one definitely did. :slight_smile:

James is an awesome mentor and friend. I’m not surprised by his willingness to help a team in need at all.

Good to see some recognition for this guy’s efforts in FIRST :slight_smile:


Well deserved. James has been a great asset to the Houston community and has done a terrific job with Texas Torque 1477.

I remember when we hosted the first Texas Robot Round-up at the woodlands for Lunacy, 2009. James did a great job spearheading that event and motivating Texas teams to have an offseason event.

Michael, have you thought about actually nominating James for [UFH]?


Please do. From what I’ve heard, he deserves it.

James Tonthat is a total bro. When 2791 was looking for someone with sheetmetal to make roller claw parts, James stepped up to bat and offered us a little bit of his existing part run. When I couldn’t CAD fast enough to get the parts made, he sent us his team’s prototype instead! Pretty awesome.

I didn’t know I could… STILL learning… I will do this this weekend… THANKS, Richard!