New to Command-based programming. Followed some tutorials, looked at example code and learned the basics, but having some issues. Every time I move the joystick to control the drivetrain, I get these errors and it only moves in short intervals. When I move the joystick to full power, the robot moves a tiny bit, then stops, and keeps repeating that loop. My guess is that it is restarting MecanumDrive_Command every instance of TeleopPeriodic, but I’m not sure how to fix that.
Note: I commented out certain methods (ie: end(), disabledPeriodic(), and interrupted()). When I didn’t have them commented out, the robot would just start stuttering.
Thanks! I’ll try that. Quick question about the scheduler. Does Scheduler.getInstance().run() run every command that exists in the project, or just those that have a button called to it in the OI?
Not sure if I’m answering your question correctly (and someone more knowledgeable could answer this), but I think the Scheduler will reference any subsystem(s) you had created and run any command you’d set to in the initDefaultCommand() method