I left VS Code, not having any problems at all, after having imported an Eclipse project. After restarting my computer, I open up VS Code again and all of my imports have the squiggly red underline underneath the edu portion of them. When I hover over it, I see the error “The import edu cannot be resolved”. Additionally, the NavX library I just installed is also underlined at “com.kauailabs”.
I ended up copying and pasting my code into a new file. This fixed all the FRC functions that wouldn’t import. This did not fix the NavX library, however.
you may need to rerun gradlew build in the command line to refresh your gradle build and make sure you’re connected to the internet
Whenever I run the gradlew batch file, I’m shown a command line screen which promptly removes itself from my screen, and it didn’t fix my issue.
ctrl-shift-p, type “java”, and look for one that says something like “clean workspace”
I tried this as well, and it did not fix the problem.
Yes, .classpath and .project, along with the .settings folder need to be git ignored, because they contain system specific settings. The default templates include these in the ignored items.
Ok, so if navx doesn’t work in that new project, did you install navx into that project? Vendor libraries are not automatically shared between projects, they have to be installed into each project.
That should not be the case. When you open the project in vscode, it regenerates them. You do need them on the local system, but you don’t want them on git.