Jealousy is setting in now!!!!

Posted by Andy Grady.   [PICTURE: SAME | NEW | HELP]

Other on team in limbo from in limbo sponsored by in limbo.

Posted on 9/11/2000 11:59 AM MST


Ok let me explain that last tension release.

With the dates of the regionals released, I still see right next to the New England regional written in as a venue…The Meadows Music Theater…ech…now don’t get me wrong, I like hartford, the meadows is nice, BUT…Its not a good place to hold a competition! Now I may sound like a broken record (after all I think i have made this speach more times than Woodie has said the words 'Gracious Professionalism) but where is my gym!!! I know that FIRST wants to keep a competition in CT, and UTC as a sponsor for the NE Regional, and thats all good with me, but there has to be somewhere better than the Meadows down in CT right? Which brings me to point number 2 of my rant…Why don’t we have another competition in New England, say northern New England (NHC…hint hint,yeah sure maybe it was crowded, but just limit the teams)instead of having two regionals in New York like pretty much in the same area? Dont get me wrong, I like the idea of the New York City Regional and all, but it is necessary to have the Long Island one too? Im begining to wish i was in Michagain where they are getting new regionals every year in that state alone!

Ok ill shut up now, sorry to sound so harsh and or ungrateful, Im just in a mood =)

Have fun,
Andy Grady

Posted by Andy Baker.

Engineer on team #45, TechnoKats, from Kokomo High School and Delphi Automotive Systems.

Posted on 9/11/2000 12:30 PM MST

In Reply to: Jealousy is setting in now!!! posted by Andy Grady on 9/11/2000 11:59 AM MST:

Andy, Andy, Andy

For the first time, I gotta disagree with ya. Check out the situation in the Midwest:

Two great Regionals, the Motorola Midwest and the Great Lakes are scheduled at the same time! Also, EVERYONE out here will be trying to get into the Grand Rapids Regional, so that thing will fill up quickly. All of the teams who want to go to two Regionals will be fighting for a spot at Grand Rapids.

Those are our only chioces to play within a reasonable driving distance. If you look at your area, you have one regional each weekend (5 overall) that are within a reasonable driving distance.

Also, check out west… It’s good that there is a Houston Regional and two in Cali., but still worse that the east coast and midwest situation.

I sympathize with you about the Meadows situation… but, hey, it gets you ready for the ‘stage setup’ at Nationals!! :slight_smile:

Andy B.

Posted by Tom.

Engineer on team #49, Delphi Knights, from Buena Vista and Delphi Automotive - Saginaw.

Posted on 9/11/2000 5:34 PM MST

In Reply to: The Grass is Always Greener… posted by Andy Baker on 9/11/2000 12:30 PM MST:

Where are the Regional / National Dates posted? I tried to find it at the USFirst website, but apparently am FIRST-website illiterate.


Posted by Jessica Boucher.   [PICTURE: SAME | NEW | HELP]

Student on team #237, Sie-H2O-Bots, from Watertown High School and Eastern Awning Systems & The Siemon Company.

Posted on 9/11/2000 7:18 PM MST

In Reply to: Re: The Grass is Always Greener… posted by Tom on 9/11/2000 5:34 PM MST:

: Where are the Regional / National Dates posted? I tried to find it at the USFirst website, but apparently am FIRST-website illiterate.

: -tom

Then go to the ‘FIRST Robotics Competition’ link, then scroll down until you see the title for the 2001 season.

-Jess Boucher
Student Leader #237 and newest addict to the Forum ::grin::

Posted by Jessica Boucher.   [PICTURE: SAME | NEW | HELP]

Student on team #237, Sie-H2O-Bots, from Watertown High School and Eastern Awning Systems & The Siemon Company.

Posted on 9/11/2000 1:35 PM MST

In Reply to: Jealousy is setting in now!!! posted by Andy Grady on 9/11/2000 11:59 AM MST:

I’m sorry to say this, but I’m going to have to sit on the fence for this one (something I never do).

I am one of the few that likes the UTC NE Regional venue. I like it because its close, a lot of teams are there, UTC does a prety decent job with it, and because there is a lot of seating, so teams aren’t cramped together (trust me, if you saw '99 Philly’s pit area, that is cramped).

BUT. I don’t like it as well. I have now experienced first hand the veteran’s adage that ‘FIRST is meant to be held in a gym’ with going to RiverRage, a mini-comp, but in a gym, nontheless. So I can see where the veterans are coming from. The gym has a feeling to it that you don’t get at the Meadows or at Einstein stage. The crampness is good. The sound echoes. It’s got its own charm.

My advice is to merge the best of both worlds: a bigger gym. Philly '99 was held in Temple University, which has a great gym that had the gym/closeness feeling but also had the room-to-breathe thing going on too. UCONN @ Gampel Pavillion would be a nice venue. Or even a college in Massachuttes, to make the northern & southern New-Englanders happy. Heck, I wouldn’t mind not commuting to the Meadows each day of the regionals.

But, hey, I’m just glad FIRST listened & stuck the nationals a week after the regionals, which means our team won’t get sick again like last year. Plus, I’m glad the UTC regional is one of the first regionals, instead of the last one before the nationals (no offense, but who thought up the idea of having the regionals the furthest away from the nationals with the longest shipping & traveling distance the week before the nationals?)

Scratch, our entire team is moody after RiverRage; I think we all need some sleep ::grin::

-Jess Boucher, Student Leader #237

Posted by Mike King.

Other on team #88, TJ², from Bridgewater Raynham and Johnson & Johnson Professional.

Posted on 9/22/2000 3:28 PM MST

In Reply to: Jealousy is setting in now!!! posted by Andy Grady on 9/11/2000 11:59 AM MST:

You want exposure?
You want space?
You want it in CT?


For some people, that’s the only way that they have heard of Conn. :slight_smile: