Jeopardy Contestant Test - Tonight and Tomorrow

I’m just wondering, are any other FIRSTers doing the Jeopardy Online Contestant Test?

If not, you have 10 minutes to sign up for the HS contest, and 24 hours, 10 minutes to sign up for the College contest. :slight_smile:

I wish I could do the little kid’s one, with like the elementary and middle schoolers I always do really good on those shows =]

I’m signed up for High School, [Adam allready knew that it was his idea] I don’t think I’m going to fend to well.

I just got done…and my brain hurts.

I guess I missed the window.

I had a good friend of mine appear on Jeopardy, i was so excited to see him on. Even though he got third place it was sweet to see him and he got a PC and a trip to Hawaii form it! GL to all.

wahoo i registered for the college one!

nice now I know i will do better then someone :smiley:

ahha! you are probably right too. :stuck_out_tongue:

haha, ive got two morons behind me at least. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, just watch out for this fun little error message guys:

Warning: mysql_connect(): Too many connections in  /mnt/spin01/contentvol/m2/ftp/tv/shows/jeopardy/onlinetest/thetest_teen/testEnd.php  on line 8

That’s what I got when I finished. Good job Jeopardy for not optimizing server settings for about 5000 people submitting the exact same second.

I cannot take it, I have 3 macs at home and no PC’s. I guess there is a downside to being a macaddict.

Corey, better make it 3…

Hahahha, sweet.
My knowledge of useless “crap” will come in handy.

Full time College students only??? GAh!!! :frowning:


Are they a bit scared of life experience? hehehe.

It could be worst. It asked what year are you. Im in my third year but Im not a junior.

Oh jeesh… :ahh: Let’s not even go there. I’m in my 8th/9th year of college. And… technically… yeah… I don’t have my AS yet but on my way to gettin’ a whole bunch of certificates. (I have one already.)

I’d rather learn what will be useful to me directly (extra classes outside of my core “major”), than learn about something I will never use on the job.

I have more minors (3) at this point than I do majors (1). Is that a problem? :rolleyes:

Do community colleges count? I’ve only seen people from major colleges like Stanford, Illinois, ect ect.

I go to a community college and I signed up. I don’t think going to a two-year college versus a four-year university should affect eligibility. If you’re smart enough to qualify, what does it matter? :slight_smile:

If he’s studying for an associate’s degree, I think he would qualify as an undergraduate. The official rules are online, and they provide contact information for questions.

I might just give it a go myself…if they let Canadians do it.

Yeah, That ticked me off, too. You have no Idea how angry I was.

AHAH! i totally frogot about it. o well i will get my 15 minutes of fame somewhere else. :stuck_out_tongue:

I remembered, but I found the test pretty hard. 50 questions rapid firing 15 second a piece. Beyond that at least half of the questions were literature based asking for author, charterers, and titles (not my strong point) I would say that if I got 50% of the answers correct I would feel like i did a good job considering. I guess only time will tell.