Joystick getAxis in wpilibj

WPIlibj currently has:

public double getAxis(final AxisType axis) {
switch (axis.value) {
case AxisType.kX_val:
return getX();
case AxisType.kY_val:
return getY();
case AxisType.kZ_val:
return getZ();
case AxisType.kTwist_val:
return getTwist();
case AxisType.kThrottle_val:
return getThrottle();
return 0.0;

I think there should also be:

case AxisType.kNumAxis_val

before the default. Does anyone know where wpilibj issues can be reported?

If you mean like

joystick.getRawAxis(#)   //#= AxisNumber

wpilib bugs can be reported in the wpilib tracker:

In case that link ever changes, I will also mention it is included in the Eclipse Plug-in help, if that is the IDE and FRC Plug-in set you are using. It can be found by following the “report bugs” link on the troubleshooting page of the help contents for both the core and program builder plug-ins.