We are using Logitech ATK3 Joysticks and are having problems seeing the GetRawButtons in the code. We pulled code we used last year for handling the buttons and it is not working now. GetX, GetY and GetZ all work, but am not seeing the GetRawButtons.
Am writing debug code tonight to see what is happening.
Added debug statements and problem was with other section of code. Added code to show button presses on SmartDashBoard. So GetRawButton is working fine for Logitech ATK3 controller.
YES!!! Our team is also having problems with programming our Saitek X52. We have tried for the last two weeks to get our joystick to work. getRawAxis() works fine, but getRawButton() does not. We have not tried getRawTrigger(). We have also tried DriverStation.getInstance(), and we can pull the axis value directly from the driverstation, but are not able to with the buttons.
Our driver station does seem to recognize the buttons being pressed, as they light up when pressed, but they always return either a true or a false boolean.
We have tried the (more or less) same code with our Xbox controllers, and the buttons do work. Maybe it is just impossible to use the X52’s?