Our team is currently going with 2 joysticks and 1 Xbox Controller for our drive station configuration. We have 2 Logitech Extreme 3D joysticks, but we have had problems with them, as they are not very accurate and are difficult to calibrate.
Do you guys have any recommendations for Joysticks used in a tank drive configuration that are under $100 each and are accurate and easy to calibrate?
A common 2D joystick for FRC is the Logitech Attach 3. It’s in the right price range. I’m not sure about calibration, I thought that was software on the computer not the joystick.
we have tried using these too but found the spring system not very good for an FRC application as in there isn’t a smooth and linear resistance the spring is either fighting against you are not doing anything we found the attack 3 from logitech (these have a rubber sleeve around the bottom to provide resistance) to be much better for sensitive movements. not that i am a driver or have any experience using them directly.
Sorry it took so long to respond. Many technology stores (Best Buy, Radio Shack, etc.) carry this or something similar. You can also get it online from Amazon, eBay, or other online retailers.
Last your our team used an Xbox one controller connected with a micro USB cable and our drive teams enjoyed using it. The only thing we had to do to setup the controller was install drivers but if you have windows 10 the drivers are already installed.
The rubber sleeve on the Attack 3 is not to provide resistance, just to keep junk out of the internals. There is still a spring centering system in there. I do agree that the Attack 3 is the better choice, simply because it’s ambidextrous and has a very small footprint. You can still get them on Amazon for ~$20.
We use 3 Logitech Attack 3 joysticks. They are great for driving robots and as far as I know, we haven’t had a problem with them. We also sometimes use a Logitech Dual Action controller for testing, demos, and whenever we’re just testing something basic. It appears to me that the Attack 3 has been discontinued though.
One joystick I would specifically recommend against is the Thrustmaster T16000M. Last year there were five joystick fatalities when turning because the twist axis has a range that is tiny when compared to the front/back and side-to-side axis ranges. Our robot turned a bit sluggishly at times, especially with a full stack of totes, and the stops that prevent you from over-twisting the joystick are not very robust. Combine these three factors (miniscule twist range, sluggish turning robot, weak stops) with the excitement and adrenaline of competition and you have a recipe for serious joystick failure.
I ended up driving for half of a match with the joystick twisted 180* around to face me after it broke once, and some of the other times it would refuse to turn left after the fatal snap was heard (it always broke when turning left, likely because you can apply force more easily when bending your wrist to the inside of your forearm than bending it to the outside). Overall it was something that we stuck with simply because it was what we started with.