
How are u surpose to mount the Joystick??? Is there anything that we need to know or do we just mount as the best u can??

I think we stick ours down with little Velcro ™ dots. You are free to mount them in whatever manner fits your need.

DUCK TAPE!!! That holds down anything, and if your robot some how breakes, just take some off and put it there.

Ahhhh, yes, the mysteries of duck tape!! Imagine what this world would be w/ out duck tape…

:::confused look::: … DUCK Tape? :smiley: How does one use this “DUCK” tape you speak of? :wink:

  • Katie

ah, yes, “duck tape”, that and industrial strength velcro :slight_smile:

it is not “DUCK TAPE” (as in QUACK, QUACK)

it is DUCT TAPE as in air ducts :slight_smile:

Aren’t the ducks in the air ducts though, and they flap their wings, and the air moves! :smiley:

*Originally posted by Ian W. *
**Aren’t the ducks in the air ducts though, and they flap their wings, and the air moves! **

Good call, good call :wink:

  • Katie

*Originally posted by Ian W. *
**Aren’t the ducks in the air ducts though, and they flap their wings, and the air moves! :smiley: **

hehehe… ok you win…

Quack Quack…

I know, i know, Duct tape, Not DUCK TAPE. I just wanted to put a pun on it…

The only thing that is better than duct tape in our minds right now are WIRE TIES :slight_smile:

but our proto-bot was 1/2 duct tape…

Today I made our joystick/controls board, two big pieces of Velcro worked mighty fine

Watch out for the Rookie team 869!:smiley:

Controllers…Prepare to be amazed…

Yeah, I have way to much time on my hands. Me and another kid built a whole rather elaborate control system, lexan, box aluminum, the works. even has a space for a laptop. it looks really cool too. now, just to make the robot work…

if you want to see our control system, come to team 810, LI regional, NYC regional, or the nationals. of course, i’m sure some veteran teams have outdone us, but i like my control system notheless. :smiley: and it has no duck tape!

According to my roomate’s, girlfriend’s, sister’s, brother’s, semi-close friend, of a friend going to England to see what it’s like and whether or not they really have bad weather over there and to see if he can find a British car that works well, as well as trying to see what would happen if he tried to order a coffee at tea-time, the use of duct tape is for taping the feet of the ducks within the ducts to the duct so when the ducks in the ducts flap their wings, they actually move air around, rather than flying to the end of the duct.

We found that attaching the joysticks to the drivers with duc(k, t) tape worked fairly well, until they tried to take them off, which left many raw flesh spots.

We have since decided to forget the ability to remove the controls, and to permanently attach the joysticks to our drivers


luckily i’m not on your team, cause i’m a driver! :smiley:

Actually, there IS a brand of Duct Tape called “Duck Tape”!

Their logo is a picture of an anthropomorphized duck wearing overalls and a painter’s cap… <grin>

  • Keith McClary, Advisor, Huron High Team 830 “Rat Pack”

Yes, yes, i know. They specialize in U.S. Mail tape (i think) but they have all kinds of tape, though. I wonder if i can be their spokes-person?

*Originally posted by Matt Attallah *
Yes, yes, i know. They specialize in U.S. Mail tape (i think) but they have all kinds of tape, though.

Around here they specialize in the good old grey stuff… :smiley: Most of the big chain stores carry that brand. I groaned when I first saw it.:rolleyes:

** I wonder if i can be their spokes-person? **

Don’t you mean “spokes-duck”? :wink:

Is there anything duck tape can’t do?

Well, yea! You also need Bungee Cords. Duct tape is your adhesive, and bungee cords are your springs… :slight_smile:

There is even an old Filk song to the tune of “The Old Grey Mare” that goes: “The world is held together with Duct Tape and Bungee Cords, Duct Tape and Bungee Cords, (etc…)”

  • Keith McClary, Advisor, Huron High Team 830 “Rat Pack”

    “‘Duck Tape’ eh? That really quacks me up…”

Mr. B,

Until recently I also thought it was Duct Tape. A couple of weeks ago I saw a show on the History Channel that talked about the history of Duck tape. The show explained that it was originally designed to be a water-proof tape for sealing amunition cases for the military. It was called DUCK tape as in “water off a duck’s back”.

Just my useless bit of trivia for the day,

Jim Meyer

Yeah, believe it or not in our local paper there was an article about duc(t/k) tape a while back and it said that the “duck” came from WWII and “duct” came after when people used it on ducts.

What exciting news we have in Kokomo :smiley: