JVN Build Tip: Concept Generation

So at this point in the season you’ve probably got a pretty good idea of WHAT you want the robot to do, and now you’re trying to figure out HOW you’re going to do it.

First step? Brainstorm mechanisms that will potentially accomplish your “how”.

The real expert trick here is to focus on what’s important…
Let’s take the example of a tube grabber and lift system. We’ll assume that your team decided they want to score a tube. How do you accomplish this? Well here are some things I’d be considering:

  • What orientations will you be picking up the tube from?
  • What orientation of the tube works best for scoring?
  • Are these the same? – What mechanism would move the tube from the “pickup” to the “score” orientation?
  • What heights do you want to score on?
  • What mechanism can lift the tube to the different heights?
  • Does the tube stay in “score” orientation when lifted?
  • Are there multiple scoring orientations you’re happy with?
  • Do you need to hold the tube in a special orientation while “travelling”?
  • What shape tubes will you be handling? Is there a difference between the three types? What mechanism can grab all three?
  • Can this mechanism grab from each orientation you want to grab the tubes in?
  • How much precision is required from the driver to pickup?
  • How much grip do you want to have on the tube? Is a tight grip needed?
  • What actuators do you have available for your mechanisms?
  • How much will your gripper weigh? Can your lift handle that load?
  • Should I be more worried about ease of build, or ease of operation? Can I have both?
  • What is my team capable of actually building?

What other considerations am I missing? Obviously these questions (and many more) have been bouncing around in my head for the past 2 days – this is just a “short” version of that list.

What is the simplest mechanism that can accomplish your needs?
Remember: make your mechanism as simple as possible, but not simpler…

As always… good luck in 2011!

Originally Posted at:

I couldn’t have said it better myself.

I’m glad you posted this tip today because we are right at this point with tube mechanism and since I have to miss a couple of meeting I think I’ll just send this link to my students so they can take advantage of this great tip.

I’ll go ahead and add that deciding to compromise your manipulator because of your team’s resources is pretty much the most difficult thing to do, but neglecting part of the game to do the more important aspect better is a better alternative than doing too much and being bad at it.

So yeah, that “picking up off the floor” thing… ehhh.