I’m 6’5’’, and it’s interesting to see my picture with him in 2000 and then the one in 2001. I voted on the first option. But I think that if I had a segway I would ride it all the time too.
I think that I would love to have the wheelchair from last year more. Segways are really neat and I know I would never let mine go unless I got the wheelchair.
You can see the wheerchair that Kamen designed (called the IBOT) in Innovations at Epcot. Its a part of the future house that they have (I can’t remember the exact name, but that should be enough for ya if you go back to Disney anytime soon).
I think that the Segway just makes it so easy to get around that it makes his life easier. He’s generally mobbed where ever he goes and the Segway gives him some distance and people let him move around more easily.
There may be some marketing involved as well. But it only works as marketing because it makes it so easy for him to get around.
i think that he want´s to have some fun, because riding a segway should be fun… and helps to walk around… if someday i have a lot of money, i´d love to have a segway!!!
*Originally posted by K1C603 *
**the segways catch phrase should be…“making america fatter, one inovation at a time” …were getting so lazy, we need a machine to walk for us… **
Just because you give kids calculators, it dosn’t make them stupider. This wasn’t ment to be used from your house to your mailbox, but long distance, 5+ miles a day walking.
Just because you give kids calculators, it dosn’t make them stupider. This wasn’t ment to be used from your house to your mailbox, but long distance, 5+ miles a day walking. **
You do have a point with the 5 mile walking thing, but society gets stupider and stupider as technology increases…
For Example, back in the 1960’s and 1970’s When Microsoft wasn’t off trying to conquer the world, people had to write Research papers by hand, or on the Typewritter…yes the typewritter (ask your parents). Now that we have spell check, and computers to aid drafting, it makes the human have to do less work to accomplish more in less time. Therefore, less effort. Also Texas Instruments is making the earth stupider. Now with the Ti-83+ up to the Ti-whatever, math has become really easy, plot points in the calculator, and bam you have a circle drawn for you…
Im not anti-Technology by any mean, but what I said is all true…
Thats my $0.02
On a side note,
“I don’t know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”
Albert Einstein
While all day can be spent arguing about what makes americans stuppider/lazier/fatter, in all simplicity the true answer is that we’re either too busy or don’t care enough to do anything about it. It’s not the fault of companies and technology, but rather the individual person. Calculator, computers, television, planes, trains, and automobiles (couldn’t help myself), and etc. are all godsends, in my opinion, giving us new options for old tasks and improving the quote-unquote global efficiency of the species as a whole.
In the end, though, it’s not who can make their box faster, stronger, better, that wins. It’s those who put themselves in the mindset of how best to exploit the technology at hand that will trimuph and be successful out there in the big wide world.
You do have a point with the 5 mile walking thing, but society gets stupider and stupider as technology increases…
For Example, back in the 1960’s and 1970’s When Microsoft wasn’t off trying to conquer the world, people had to write Research papers by hand, or on the Typewritter…yes the typewritter (ask your parents). Now that we have spell check, and computers to aid drafting, it makes the human have to do less work to accomplish more in less time. Therefore, less effort. Also Texas Instruments is making the earth stupider. Now with the Ti-83+ up to the Ti-whatever, math has become really easy, plot points in the calculator, and bam you have a circle drawn for you…
Im not anti-Technology by any mean, but what I said is all true…
Thats my $0.02
On a side note,
“I don’t know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”
Albert Einstein **
I ussually take twice as long making a program for my 83+ to do my assignment for me. Most of the time I could do the whole thing in my head in less time, but once I’ve programmed it I dont have to worry about forgetting it for the quiz ;p
Dean Kamen is like FDR…he can only walk for short distances. Why do you think his first mobility device was a wheelchair? He was preparing himself for the day he would no longer be able to walk naturally. Then he realized he needn’t be confined to sitting…so he invented the Segway. But just watch as his legs slowly atrophy…we will see him off the segway less…and less…and much, much less
Dean kamen must be an android and sometimes his robotic legs stop working so he must use the Segway as an alternate form of transportation. Have you noticed how dull his speeches are its because they are just programs in his memory banks that he is exceuting.:eek: