Karthik & 1114 - Live Webinar - Effective FIRST Strategies

On November 6th at 7:00 pm, I’ll be giving my “Effective FIRST Strategies” presentation as a Webinar brought to you by FIRST. This is the same presentation that was standing room only this past year at the Championship. Unfortunately this presentation will not be happening in St. Louis this year, so this is your only chance to catch it!

This presentation will be via Google+ Hangouts on Air. Thirty minutes prior to the event, FRC will post the link to the live broadcast of the webinar on YouTube. The link will be posted on the Google+ Event Page, Twitter (@frcteams) and FRC’s Facebook Page. I’ll try and make sure the link gets posted in this thread as well.

If you have specific questions you would like discussed during this “Ask The Expert” you can post them in advance by Tweeting @frc1114, or posting here in this thread. Viewers will also have the ability to ask questions live during the webinar.

Here are the threads discussing the last five editions of this seminar:


Here’s video from the 2012 version of this presentation:

Here’s video of the TEDx talk that was inspired by many of the elements of this presentation:

And the abstract:

This presentation focuses on three major areas, Strategic Design, Match Planning/Execution, and Scouting. Rather than spending time on equations and detailed calculations, the Strategic Design gives a more high-level overview of how to design an FRC robot. This portion of the presentation includes sections on such often neglected strategic design areas such as Game Analysis, Chokehold Strategies, Cost-Benefit Analysis, Task Prioritization, and Tradeoffs using a case studies from past games. The Match Planning/Execution section of the presentation discusses effective habits and strategies that will help lead a team to victory. This is a must for those who enjoy the strategic aspects of FIRST. The Scouting section deals with effective techniques to collect information on your partners/opponents, and how to make the most of this data. Advanced statistical metrics analgous to “Sabremetrics” in baseball will also be discussed. The presentation is filled with entertaining and insightful historical FIRST anecdotes from the past 16 years. With the information in this presentation, you can turn your team from a mere competitor to a perennial powerhouse!

If you’re really into FIRST strategy, looking for personal inspiration, or just looking for some good FIRST related laughs, this is a presentation you won’t want to miss.

Thanks for doing this, Karthik! Can’t wait!

Just to clarify, is that 6 Eastern? Also, thanks a bajillion for doing this. I’m super disapointed that there was no 2013 presentation posted to YouTube, and I’m really excited to tune in.

It’s 7:00p Eastern. And no problem, it should be a lot of fun!

Do you mind if we record to show our teams later?

I’m guessing since it’s Hangouts On Air, it will be archived on YouTube to watch later.

I’m a little more than upset that I’ve got a class during this broadcast, but I know some 1923 students will be tuned in. It’s not one to miss! Karthik always makes these presentations a good time.

My question – will you still be heckling people from the chat like you do in the live presentations? :wink: That, I’d skip class to see.

I’m not seeing any links anywhere yet.

crap…need to check the date.

Thought it was tonight.

I’d like to thank Karthik and 1114 for giving this webinar. I’ve found this presentation to be a very valuable resource both for learning and for teaching new students.

I’ll add to the request for a recording since I won’t be able to watch it live. On both occasions I’ve seen the presentation (2012 recording & 2013 champs), due to time constraints you haven’t been able to give much attention to the third section on match strategies. Will you be giving that topic more coverage this time?

It will be recorded and the recording will be available shortly after the broadcast.

Yes, I expect we’ll be able to get through that whole section this time.

Great! I look forward to seeing it.

Can’t wait for the great experience Karthik, thanks!!!

Cool I can’t wait for it.

I have a question or few: How should a team review their strategy? What should happen if week 0 reveal videos suggest that your team strategy is no longer optimized? what should happen between regionals? what are the consequences of changing your strategy too much? A textbook example of a great mid season change was 67 in 2009? I guess a more generalized question is how does a team deal with the realization the game is being played different then they had imagined?

Thanks karthik for another chance to learn from the Best. :slight_smile:

As one who has not been able to attend this presentation at the Championships in the past, I am extremely excited to be able to see it live. Thank you to Karthik and his drive to continue to increase the competitiveness of FIRST by sharing his experiences and knowledge. It is truly appreciated.

Looking forward to it!

Super excited to be able to watch, both times I’ve been at champs I haven’t had the opportunity to hear your presentation. My dad had the opportunity to go and he thought it was fantastic, so I’m really looking forward to this.

Anyone found the link?

Thirty minutes prior to the event, FRC will post the link to the live broadcast of the webinar on YouTube. The link will be posted on the Google+ Event Page, Twitter (@frcteams) and FRC’s Facebook Page. I’ll try and make sure the link gets posted in this thread as well.

Should be getting it in a couple minutes

Here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smWy7FQ8jLE

I think CD has temporarily paused while everyone is listening to Karthik.