Because of the interest in our team shirts last spring, and the continued interest expressed by teams throughout the fall, Team 192 is selling custom “Keep Comm” shirts. The front of the shirt is “Keep Comm And Carry On” while the back of the shirt is the FIRST Logo. The shirts will be $15, and you can order them here: Attached are images of the front and back of the shirt.
People have expressed concerns that there may be copyright issues with using the FIRST logo on the shirt, so we talked with Jim Beck from FIRST (who’s in charge of copyright) and he gave us the okay.
If you have any other questions feel free to message me.
Thank you everyone for showing us so much support, it’s been a great experience for all of us on the team who came up with the tshirt fundraising plan.
On the other hand, there’s only 5 more days and 5 shirts left to sell! The shirts will only be manufactured and shipped if we meet our goal, so if you want to get the shirt you ordered, be sure to spread the word to friends and team members!