Kickoff Plans

Now that we are inside of the last week before kickoff (6d 18h 55m at time of writing) I was wondering what you guys/gals had plan for January 3rd.

Personally I am going to the Silicon Valley Regional Kickoff in one of the overflow rooms. (we decided to let newer members be in the main room) Then I am going to lock myself in a room with a graphing paper pad of paper, handful of mech pencils, a calculator, a ruler, and my laptop looping the animation+rules. Until our teams scheduled 1 pm meeting where I will do the same but in more of a group manner.

So! spill the beans CD, whats your plans.

I’ll be at USC for Kickoff; 2815 is watching it in the big lecture hall in the engineering building (and invited over 1618). Donn Griffith is going to Clemson (site of the FIRST-sanctioned remote kickoff, and thus our collective kits of parts) to pick up both teams’ kits; figuring for the distance, the kit will arrive around 3:00. In the interim, I’ll be eating lunch (maybe run up–and I do mean up–Main Street to Moe’s unless food magically appears at Swearingen), reading the manual incessantly, dreaming up what a few teams would stereotypically do, calling Stephen Kowski (who will be in Manchester) for measurements and a feel for things on the field, and hopefully otherwise being productive.

I’ll be at the University of Minnesota for the MN Kickoff, then I’ll be heading over to Williams Arena to watch the (currently undefeated) Golden Gophers take on the Buckeyes of Ohio State. After the game I’ll join back up with my team for our brainstorming/design meeting back in Woodbury.

I’ll be with my team in a room at Honeywell, watching the kickoff on their big screen and reading the manual on my labtop (it is as old as stones) and planning with my team.

2081 Will be at the Caterpillar Tech Center in Mossville, Illinois watching on a big screen in a lecture hall-looking room. Other teams Robot Casserole 1736, Argos 1756, Dert 2040 and Roboteers 2481 will all be with us.
After that, 2081 is going to our shop for brainstorming

I’ll be at the WPI kickoff event, and then most likely host a rule review, strategizing, brainstorming, and design session with my team.

Teams 100, 253, 776, and 2144 and are attending the kickoff at Woodside’s Performing Arts Center. There will be complimentary bagels, donuts, and drinks! We’ll exchange ideas for a while and meet other teams before running down to Osh to buy parts for the field.

If you’re interested in attending let me know. We’ve been doing a group kickoff the last few years and its been a great way to bring in new ideas.

Hopefully we’ll build the field on the first day this year, instead of waiting till the last week… or as in 2007, the offseason :eek: !

I was going to RIT to watch, but since team plans had changed I’m going to stick around at home and watch the reveal with my sister who is starting robotics for her first year. Afterwards I’ll be visiting good ol’ 174 and helping with some inital robot designs on the annual design get together sunday.

Going to the annual kickoff hosted by 357 in Upper Darby. After that I’m probably going to hang with a few friends and kick some ideas around and see if we can pick out some strategies.

Btw, I’m going to get a good nights sleep before then. It’ll probably be last last one I’ll get until the end of February.

I hope to be at the Ontario Science center in Toronto for the kick-off, I am a news camera operator doing work for Global news and Weather Network, on the weekends I am more weather network so if any teams, coaches, etc have any green/environmental initiatives this year come prepared and I might just be able to get you on the weather network.

Global news might also be there, I can’t say for sure as I am not assignment editor.

Anything green, clean energy, environmental and weather related though and if you have a story to tell and someone who can talk I can do a couple of clips and probably get you on as part of our story.

I’m just curious though as to what this year’s game/mission will be, anyone know? I can’t seem to find it here :slight_smile:


Working a booth at Kettering University’s kickoff (teams coming to that come visit me please!) then watching the event and helping 397 come up w/ ideas. Then head home to harass my bro about what he thinks of the game. Also will harass him into helping me do a Solid Works model of the field.

I will be in class from 0800 till 5pm, then working on a medic unit from 6p-6a. This will be my first Kick off that I have missed since I started in FIRST :frowning: So those of you that I have cell numbers for will be receiving calls/texts and IM’s all day and have the duty to keep me updated :slight_smile:

The plan for 2046 is to split into previously assigned groups for the duration of the weekend. We’re going to Interlake HS in Bellevue for the event and the breakout sessions in our groups. When we get back, we’re going over the rules as a big group, then splitting up again to come up with strategy and designs for the game. This way, we end up with lots of ideas and (hopefully) one of them we will consider good enough to actually build.

I cannot wait for the season! It’s like waiting for baseball season to start up; we’ve gone through the pre-season, now it’s time for the real thing!


Personally, I will be going to Manchester, the team will be at Purdue kickoff.

I’m going to RIT to watch the kickoff, then our team is going to a breakout rom there to brainstorm about the robot. Also, I’ll be bringing my laptop to take down any ideas.

I’ll be the lone representative for 1678 at the Silicon Valley Kickoff. Following the broadcast I’m driving our KOP directly from SJSU to Davis so we can get to work! Less than a week left, can’t wait!

By the way, can anyone tell me if there is any special identification or proof of purchase I need to bring with me in order to pick up my team’s KOP. I checked on TIMS but I couldn’t find anything. Thanks!

I have signed for our kit in the past, without having been one of the TIMS contacts or showing any ID or anything. To confirm what the SJSU kickoff policy is, you can contact Jim Beck. If you don’t have his email address, shoot me a PM and I can get you in touch with him.

im going to the Orlando kickoff at Devry, hopefully we’ll have a bigger room this time, it was really cramped last year with all 30

or so teams

its gonna be a long 5 days:rolleyes:

I will be at the Ontario Science Center kickoff, Because the teacher who runs the program at our school could not attend, Just team members over the age of 18, and mentors are attending from our team.

Following Kickoff we have the annual “Meet at my place” where team leaders and mentors from our team and a few of the other local teams get together and discuss idea’s and such. Usually its more based around team organization then the actual robot.

Then the fun begins, We break out the K’nex and get to the idea’s

  • Bochek

Plan is to drive 200 miles up to Phoenix to Brophy Prep to watch the remote kickoff…I’ll bring my sons and meet up with the school van that will have more students. They’ll bring the KOP to our place on Ft Huachuca, where we’ll have our first (post drive) brainstorming session.

The past couple years we’ve built a field element on Sunday…seems to help everyone get a better feel for how to play the game.