Kilts for Nationals

I ripped this off of the Classified post, but I am truely curious who would be interested in wearing a kilt, duct tape or not, for nationals…

I’ve made duct-tape capes, so now it’s only a matter of time…

I’m in on this and will wear it to the web hug for all of you other kilt wearers out there…

your kilt idea for nationals has become a reality! u know how many posts have been flying about that?

ok, the dude that said that you guys are gonna keep them dangling… are u guys trying to make some money by having a stripping fundraiser here?!

Who ever said that speaks for themselves… I never felt comfortable flying unhindered, so to speak, and I do plan on wearing something, in case some tape is exposed… ((ouchies!!))

But I would like to see some more guys sign up for this, and see if we can get a pic of a whole bunch of us at the webhug…

But, that’s just me…

BELIEVE ME when i say Steve does NOT represent ANYTHING related to team 38. He can be disgustingly disturbing at times, so please disregard anything he says.

As for kilts, yes, if I have access to a kilt, I will be more than happy to wear it (with shorts or pants underneath of course).

Let me know where I can get a kilt and i’ll join the RKU (robot kilt union)

I 2nd Marc on that, so steve, if you are reading this, ur putting a REALLY bad name to our team that has a REALLY good rep, so please stop with the posts. Now…onto the kilts…what do you guys USUALLY wear for uniforms?

Okay, back to the kilts… FIRST Classifieds 2 has introduced the idea of Duct Tape kilts… I like this. Anyone else willing to do this? I’ll attempt to draw up some designs in Inventor or Solidworks and send them around to whoever wants to wear them :slight_smile:

okay sounds cool. I already have my kilt ready to go. I am actually wearing it as i type. As for duct tape kilts i think we need to make sure that all of the tape is covered so that there is no extra sticking. For me i am wearing my kilt scottland style. If no one knows what that means, then i will post it later. We need Carolyn Duncan in a kilt and some girls in kilts.

We can start a team for all kilt wearing personell:

Team 000.5, Kilt Klan :wink:

heheeh is there such a thing as having a fraction for a team?

hmm…i wonder if dean and woody are reading. they might not know how much they’ve started with FIRST.