I am having trouble writing a kinect code for holonomic drive. For some reason when I run my code, nothing happens. Here is a link to the code that I have right now. Does anybody see any obvious problems with it? If you do please tell me.
The Refnum Get VI has no refnum attached to it.
Tracked just means that the Kinect can see and distinguish that joint. This code is going to try to do a whole bunch of different things at once even if you solve the previously mentioned refnum issue.
As Greg McKaskle wisely posted in another thread, start with the English sentence of what you want the code to do and we may be able to point you in the right direction to get the code to do it.
Basically I want the code to go forward when the right hand is raised, rotate when the left hand is raised, and move sideways either right or left based on which way the driver moves his/her hip. What should I use instead of the tracked block in order to tell it to do this?