This week we have been trying to get the kinect working. We were using the Newest kinect SDK, and the 2013 FRC Kinect server. When we’d plug the sensor in, the server would say SensorErr, and would never actually work. Has anybody else seen this trying to use the kinect this year?
We were able to get it working using the Beta2 SDK and the 2012 Kinect server. It seems odd that it would work with the old server, but not with the new server.
We have had luck using the 2013 kinect server, but with a slightly older version of Microsoft’s Kinect SDK with windows 7. We did have to uninstall the drivers for the kinect that automatically installed themselves when we plugged in the device.
We’ve been using it all season with basically no issues. One thing we found is you should plug in the 115AC to the kinect before plugging in the USB. Don’t ask me why. I installed and set it up in February, running the latest MS SDK and with the 2013 drivers station.
What are the specs of the computer you’re running it on?