Kinetc model?

One of our CAD mentors is asking for a CAD model for the Kinect. Can anyone help us out?

Many thanks!

-Trying to Help
Team 1729, attending BAE GSR

Trying to Help -

Here is a STEP file from the Autodesk Inventor 2012 KoP that you should be able to use. I know that Phil Dollan is working on getting the parts added as STEP files for select parts as there have been many requests for them.

This is stored in my Autodesk Cloud Documents file and I made it public for you to download.

Hopefully this will work for you and your team!

Kim Campbell-Djuric
Autodesk, Inc.

Thank you so much! I’m sure the CAD mentor will be grateful to see it this afternoon.

  • Trying to Help