Kit of Parts is Bigger...

This year, we have an additional four motors than last year (quantity). Do we also get additional Victors and Spikes? We have all the Spikes from last year and three of the four Victors (we blew one), but it would be nice to stretch that 5 grand a wee bit further…

There are 4 Victors and 4 Spikes in the kit. You can purchase more from Innovation First on their website. The controller supports up to 16 Victors and 8 Spikes, but they cost quite a bit, so you want to be sure to only get what you need, or reuse ones from previous robots (if you can bear disassembling an old bot).

I don’t think you are technically allowed to use anything off a past year’s robot.

*Originally posted by ahecht *
**I don’t think you are technically allowed to use anything off a past year’s robot. **

I think this rule more applies to parts manufactured by the team…things like the speed controllers are a little more flexible i think…not sure though

That rule is about pre-fab stuff – not motors, Vics, Spikes, joysticks, sensors, pots, and any and all items in the kit. I just am not sure that we are or are not allowed to use the motors that are no longer a part of the kit.

*Originally posted by Dan_550 *
**I just am not sure that we are or are not allowed to use the motors that are no longer a part of the kit. **

Motors from previous years -> definitely NOT! FIRST has made it clear in previous years that you can only use the types and quantities of motors from the current year kit. The original question in this thread seemed to be pointed toward cannablizing speed controllers from previous year machines and using them on this year’s machine.

Speed controllers are on the additional hardware list with the only restriction that they be used with motors. It looks like you can get them anywhere, even last year’s robot.