Anyone got a ground intake for kitbot design that my team can ̶S̶t̶e̶a̶l̶ be graciously and professionally inspired by?
I did it with Robots Done Quick 2024, we found by using 4" wheels on 3/8" hexshaft on the 7/8" bearing holes on the AM kitbot drivetrain we could intake the note and get it to the middle of the robot, where one theoretically could put a simple ramp up into the kitbot shooter.
We went a different route for our actual robot, but here is the youtube evidence:
I don’t have an actual design, but if I were building a Kitbot, I would:
- Extend the bottom-half of the magazine down through the chassis to the floor (or almost to the floor)
- Replace the top sheet of polycarbonate on the magazine (maybe not the entire way up, just to the bottom of the shooter wheels) with a simple Polybelt/Polytube/VersaRoller conveyor system.
- Add some 2" compliant wheels for an intake roller
- Drive the whole thing with a motor like a NEO550 or a Bag motor on Versaplanetary gearbox.
- Make sure there’s enough clearance under your bumper/frame for the game piece (the frame can probably be cut a bit if needed).
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