Kitbot Java code example

We have no programmer mentors and a student is working on the example kit bot java code. He has it completed and it looks good. When it builds however it gives an error of spotlessjavacheck failed See image. ANy help on what to try would be appreciated.

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That looks like its just a file format checker. I have a hard time believing anything would be configured by default to fail a build for that, but I could absolutely see it being used on a pre-commit hook.

In either case, you just need to fix what its telling you to fix. Mostly line indentation issues from whats visible in that screenshot.

If you share your code (ideally as a link to github or similar), we could provide better direction.

Edit: you’ll also want to recategorize this post under the programming forum, not “General Forum”

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You can either have spotless autofix the formatting via ./gradlew.bat spotlessApply or disable spotless by removing the lines from build.gradle that mention spotless. We’re going to remove spotless from the kitbot example code in the meantime.

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