My team decided to buy a mixture of Krakens for driving and Neos for rotating within swerve modules for our chassis this year. Only last year our team switched from C++ to Python so that we can easier introduce new people into the coding section since there has been a trend of only 2 people in the 40+ person team actually doing coding. With these 2 sudden changes we are completely on our own in trying to teach ourselves how to do it without any help from veterans as they are also learning. We have full neo swerve already coded in robotpy from Crescendo using a pidgeon2.0 gyro.
How has that worked out for you?
We are looking to code a swerve drive using Neos in Python this season and are looking for a starting point. Could you share your repository?
Still working on it, we haven’t met as a team as a full yet so its really just the basics so far and figuring out how Krakens work compared to Neos.
Sure! Check out my teams GitHub, the robot titled perry has a python swerve drive with all Neos, it was never completely optimized but it does work and we also have outlines in our robotpy examples.
OlympusRobotics/Olympus_Robotics_FRC: FRC team 4982’s repo for code and docs.
If you want any help on anything my team would be willing to help and we can invite you to our discord to communicate with me and the leader and also access all the resources that we post on there. We love boosting newer teams. Make sure you are looking at WPIlib docs as that will have almost everything you need for drivetrain outlined.
Thank you so much! I’ll take a look at your repository and reach out if I have any questions.
we did a kraken/neo swerve in python last year: however we are doing a full kraken bot this year since we ran into some issues with sparkmaxes. also last year we used motion magic for drive motors which i think was a mistake, we should have just uses velocity voltage. also sorry the drive code is kinda scattered all over, we are trying to consolidate it this year. let me know if you have any questions
Thank you so much, this will definitely help with figuring out how to use the functions and what is needed for each motor!