Kyle & Clark

Kyle and Clark Gilbert from the Technokats, are you guys really twins or are you one in the same person? For some reason I have come to beleave that you are the same person. If I’m wrong you don’t have to make fun of me. So which is it?

David~ who is really confused:confused:

Well according to this they are different people but you never know…

ok…just to let you know…kyle and clark are totally different people. :smiley:


*Originally posted by Molly Menges *
**ok…just to let you know…kyle and clark are totally different people. :smiley:

-molly **

Yeah, I think she would know the best out of all of us…well, maybe other than their family :wink:

We are definetly two people…well at least the last time i checked we were…

I thought you knew David…oh well

(I actually got my name in the title of a thread!!!)


I guess I never looked at the obvious:o

Sorry guys.

(I’ve never actually talked to them in person, just over IM so it seemed like the same person)


Actually i think i have talked to u…when u guys game to our practice at our shop…u wanted some grease or oil or something…and i gave u that green slime and u were like “what the heck is that stuff” and i said it was for tapping things…

oh well


I would hope that molly knew the difference between clark and I … that would just be scarey if she called me clark… i would have to be a little pissed off …:slight_smile: but come on, we ALL know that I am the coolest…:wink:

Its kinda funny that i’m actually the topic of a thread…lmao…

Did you think it was some sort of “conspiracy therory” or something David?..j/k

Kyle- Who is a completly different person then clark

Clark, now I remember talking to you. It had slipped my mind. (Maybe because that was the same day that Dale Earnhardt died:() It’s hard to know who I am taking to over IM cause you seem like the same person. Unless one of you is on more