I would like to thank all of the people that helped put on the regional in L.A. It was great. I would also like to thank all of the teams that helped with the scouting. Thanks Ashlee for leting use your laptop and sory about leaving the table.
Oh and thank you teams 22, and Hart(I can’t remember the team number right now sorry) for being great alliance partners in the finals.
Ditto on thanks to everyone for such a great regional! I unfortunately could only come one day because I was in MN for spring break but I’m so glad I came back for the final day. This competition was definately this most spirited and fun competition that we’ve been to this year and all the teams were awesome.
Thanks goes back to you 524…not only for giving us cool alpha omega stickers but also for being a great alliance partner in finals. Congrats on play of the day award! Same goes out to 22, all your mentoring and help has paid off and we’re so appreciative! And geez, another chairman’s award, wow!
Also a special note to those teams who were with us at both Seattle and LA. 64: you guys rock! despite the weird problem we encountered in the Seattle quarterfinals, you came back and swept LA. If we had to pick any team to beat us it would definately would be you guys. Also, 492…we were amazed with your skills in Seattle and still are. Wish we could have worked together more.
I could go on saying more to every team but I’m tired. Thanks everyone for a great time…time for some sleep, I can’t believe its all over.
Feel the burn! Team 691-Judges Award Friday and People’s Choice for Animation.
I also wanted to thank a few people here. The Gila Monsters were our pit neighbor, and were very helpful in lending us all sorts of things that we forgot, from sharpies to zip ties. If was a pleasure to have you guys next door.
I want to thank Team Duct Tape (598), for being so supportive and friendly. Sorry we couldn’t make it out to Corbin Bowling!
We want to thank 60 and one other team (whose name escapes me at the moment) for giving us their Sportsmanship and Decor awards, respectively.
We want to thank all our alliance partners, 580, 701, 576, 697, 687, 368, and 995, for being of immense assistance in all our matches.
We want to thank all the other teams who helped us out with parts, advice, and friendship, but whose number i’ve forgotten.
Finally, a big thanks goes out from everyone on 992 to all the hard working volunteers, staff, judges, refs, and everyone else who worked to make this great regional possible. We absolutly had a blast, and appreciate all the hard work you guys put in.
691 and 22 were two great teams, and I feel honored to have competed alongside them. their grace, professionalism, sportsmanship and ability are truly top shelf.
Also, Kim the volunteer coorinator did an awesome Job. Congrats on your award Kim!!! She made sure all of us volunteers were well cared for. Jason Morrella and Wayne did a great job putting the whole thing together. LA was a total blast.
Also thanks to teams 64 and 60 for a great winning alliance!!!
Kim, i don’t know if you read these, but you did a wonderful job. I was very privileged to work with you as a volunteer. Can’t wait for next year!! And to all the other volunteers and staff (and of course, Jason)…thanks bunches!! I had a blast and i know my team did too. Also, Dave, Ken, Ashlee, and everyone else who made it to the promenade…thanks for coming!! hope you had as much fun as i did. See everyone next year, and hopefully sooner.
Very special thanks are due to a select group of FIRST alums, coaches, and students from other teams who volunteered (and travelled) for the Southern California Regional. Adding such experienced FIRST people to an already great collection of volunteers made a HUGE difference and made a big impact on the quality of the event.
From GRT 192 - Ken Kreiger, Brad, Dima. (no doubt you are a very deserving and worthy Chariman’s Award Winner - as your continued efforts and actions to help other teams and events demonstrate!)
Bill Gold (258), Ken Leung (192 and others), Ashlee Snodgrass (973, 360), Sean Roberts, Amy, and the other students who helped from 330, Jon Lawton (668) - you guys made a big difference at both California Events and are true examples of the quality of students/people who come out of FIRST. (Bill - let us know when you stop having nightmares about badges)
Andy Baker (45) and Mike Soukup (111) - thanks so much for coming out and helping. Your expertise and experience were so helpful during inspections and just general assistance of teams. Knowing that teams like 45 and 111 have yourselves and other equally impressive people volunteering and working with their students makes it easy to understand why your teams are always at the top.
(note to others…NEVER sumo wrestle Andy Baker. he’d be tough enough to beat, which of course I didn’t, but when he tells you in the heat of battle that he “used to do this to pigs” - it’s awfully hard to keep your concentration…very sneaky, and somewhat disturbing)
To everyone from NASA JPL, NASA AMES, San Jose State, USC, University of Washington, and others who volunteered for the Silicon Valley, Southern Cal, and Pacific Northwest Regionals - thank you so much for giving your time to help give the kids a great experience.
Indeed bill I agree with jason…please do let us know when you stop having nightmares about the badges.
*Originally posted by ahecht *
**I also wanted to thank a few people here. The Gila Monsters were our pit neighbor, and were very helpful in lending us all sorts of things that we forgot, from sharpies to zip ties. If was a pleasure to have you guys next door. **
Boy did I personally lend you guys a lot of zip ties. Anyway, if you or anyone else ever does need anything, Team 64 is there for you guys. We have a very neat, organized, and complete pit area so stop on by.
I have zip ties on me 22/7 (minus the 2 hours i sleep) because they are just so dang usefull. Anyways I suggest everyone to carry some on them like a couple people per team and different size for each peson so if you need a certain size ziptie you know how to go to
That’s good advice. I never thought we would go through our whole bag of zipties by the second day.
AAAHHH!!! BADGES SUCK!!! Ok… I think i’m over it now…
Jason - Thanks for an awesome couple of regionals in Cali. Your enthusiasm and dedication never ceases to amaze me.
Ken Leung & Jon Lawton - It was fun driving down with you guys, and staying with you two in LA. Consider yourselves lucky that you didn’t have to stick around on Monday… that cargo was freaking heavy
Ashlee, Dima, & Brad - It was nice to have you all down in LA, even though it was only for 2 days. I hope the three of you had a good time. You should also consider yourselves lucky… well… nevermind, since Brad & Dima are unloading
Mike Soukup - It was nice to finally meet you in person. It was amusing to see you sumo Ashlee :). See you at Nats!
Andy Baker - It’s always good to see you. I hope you had a good time… and I hope you enjoy the Sea Dawgs shirt
I’m kinda tired… so if I think of anything else to write I’ll just edit this post :). Later everyone.