It seems everyone is assuming (including us) L4 does not require algae removal and can therefore be scored easier in auto/teleop than L3. However it looks to be very close, below are a few screen shots from cranberry alarm, where it doesn’t look to hit in one but possibly in another. Does anyone with a real field setup have any insight? Does how you score the coral matter? We would really like to be sure all L4 is open as our likely strategy does not involve removing algae.
We were also wondering about this, from some angles it definitely looks like it’s touch while sometimes it doesn’t. I don’t think it’s something that can easily be tested on a pvc version because of the hardware at the joints, so it seems like only an actual field piece will be a close enough test. As of right now I believe nobody’s received field elements yet, but we’re looking into getting some manufactured by one of our local sponsors
I would be somewhat skeptical of anything that isn’t the official field from andymark, but I also wonder if QnAing it is reasonable because it seems to be intended not to touch
Ok that is reassuring to see again, it’s definitely possible the setup shown was tilted slightly back or had some other reason why it was much closer