can anybody post a link in reply to a tutorial for labview roboticts
I have heard good things about also has some great resources (the NI guys are just great to us, as well as their general developer community). Also check out their LabVIEW training materials and other FRC Documents - there’s a lot of really good stuff in there.
Have fun working with LabVIEW - it’s a really powerful tool when harnessed correctly and you can do some awesome things with it.
I would just like to second ; it’s a great site that really laid the foundation for me learning the language. Once you have a general idea of what to do though, I would encourage you to deviate from watching the videos, and reading about it to actually applying it. I know at first I thought that it was a little overwhelming (the amount of things that the FRC Labview offers)-- but once I got my hands dirty with it, it became a lot more manageable.
There are tutorials and examples from LabVIEW’s main screen when you first start it (the Getting Started Screen).
thirded. it was how I re-learned labview basics last year… they rock!