I tried to hook up the 4 jaguars for the wheels and it doesnt work I dont know why. They other 2 jaguars for the Wheels and belts are not plugged in. We havent wired them up yet.
When hooked up, the jaguars blink. They aren’t a steady color.
I believe this is what it says on the diagnostics on the driver station:
error -44007 occurred at wpi_motorcontrolrefnum registry get.vi>>teleop.vi>>robot main.
ERROR <Code> -44007 occurred at WPI_RobotDriveRefNum Registry Get.vi>>Disabled.vi>>Robot Main.vi
<time>09:37:42 02/14/2012
FRC: The RefNum you are trying to Get does not exist in this RefNum Registry.
I’m still getting this error. We pluged the 4 jaguar motors in and as soon as I hit the enable button adjacent motors moved for a second, but then didn’t do anything when I moved the joysticks.
I changed the begin.vi and teleop.vi motor names and made sure disable.vi had the same name (I copied and pasted). I am no longer recieveing that message in the diagnostics only saying the camera isnt hooked up (which we arent going to use this year). But, they are still not working. I also have all 6 hooked up to the jaguars that are connected to the correct PWM.
Now that I think about it, could thoes wires be incorrect? How do we know they are facing the correct way?
(I hooked it up, myself, so I would know what you are talking about. We are using the ones with brown on one side and orange on the other)
I tried moving the wires around and i never got a solid light. Am i putting them on the wrong prongs? It says PWM out. Sig Pwr (-) The brown is at the SIG and the orange is in the PWR. They are on the 3 prong one, directly next to the double prong set.
Our team has a four motor drive, but were only using two PWM cables. Were using Y splitters for the left and right motors. You could try doing that and change the four motor to like Arcade Drive or Tank Drive. Basically back to the default.
I usually make the Brown wire the power (closest to standard black for ground).
On the Digital Sidecar the ground wire for PWMs is to the outside.
On the Jaguar the ground wire goes to the inside (it’s marked too).
Even if you got one end wrong, trying the other end in both possible orientations would make it matchup eventually.
Here’s a list:
PWMs opened (only once each) in Begin.vi
Code downloaded permanently to the robot (Build
& Run as startup) - Driver Station running and in communication with robot
Robot Code light on DS also green
Robot Enabled at the Driver Station
3 Power lights on Digital Sidecar all bright green
Digital module in slot 2 of the cRIO
DB37 cable between the cRIO Digital module and the Sidecar tested for miswiring (forms a loop when plugged into itself, NOT a mobius strip)
PWM cable ground on Digital sidecar (outside pin) maps to Jaguar ground (inside pin)
*]Jaguar powered (the blinking light confirms this)
Try downloading the Default code just while you’re working to get the Jaguars communication. Ignore the control changes for now.
Thank you. The Y-Splitter worked. Now the only issue is, is that one is still not working. The belt. I had to switch it to a Victor because of an issue with a differnt jaguar and I changed it in the programming, but, even when it was a working jaguar, it wouldnt work. The wheels work, but not the belt. I dont see why it wouldn’t when everthing thing else works. I even played with the PWM wires and the light never turned solid.