Dear CD,
I am presently using 4 difference autonomous programs that could be easily made into one program if I was able to use some kind of input file that would change motor power levels and pneumatic solenoid on/off enabling as a function of time. I think some kind of excel/csv file with 0.1 second intervals of time as rows and columns containing the motor 1-6 values and 2 pneumatics solenoids as on/off are what I need. I am sure that this has been done by others and would appreciate any links to such material.
Best regards,
The default auto has some commented code that executes across an array of motor values, times to delay, etc. The file I/O palette contains many options for reading the file. The second icon is a bit confusing because of how general it is, but it defaults to return either a 1D or 2D array of doubles from a tab delimited file.
Then next step is to get the file on the roboRIO.
A variation of this is to load the file on the DS laptop using a custom dashboard, and push the values to the robot using some network table variables such as arrays of doubles.
Greg McKaskle
Thanks for the information. I did some searching and found a paper by Chris Hibner that appears to be the direction I want to move in for the short term.
I will let you know how that goes as team 3548 gets ready to go to the Michigan State Champtionship in Grand Rapids, MI this year!
Best regards!