LabVIEW beta test

Team 4153 was chosen to do LabVIEW beta testing this year. We’ve built a blog on our website to track what we’ve found. Overall everything is fine. FIRST just released the new framework for LabVIEW and we’ll start testing this week. Anyone else doing beta testing?

Stay tuned. We welcome comments.

The control and command framework had a few bugs. The ones we reported have been acknowledged and should be fixed in the next release. In addition, if you want to have a quick look and get an idea of how this framework works, our LabVIEW mentor-guru has posted a tutorial discussion on NI website at:

OK , so commands are coming to LabView.

Will the Old School explicit control structure that I have come to know and love show up too?

I’m in trouble with a “team” decision to go to Java. Now I’m preparing a backup plan.


Everything we’ve done before can still be done now.
Just the command framework was added (and is optional).

To fill in a few additional details.

Three of the templates are virtually unchanged. One of the templates - the Command andControl one - starts with the drive subsystem instead of using robotDrive. The teleOp makes use of the timed commands and so does autonomous. Vision is also treated as a subsystem, but it is essentially unmodified since I think its operations and behavior is just fine using a global or two and doesn’t really need commands and state data attached to it. If you wish to have those things, they could easily be added.

Any project that contains a roboRIO can have a subsystem added to it via the wizard that simply templates a folder of code with your subsystem names and attached to typedefs. In other words, you can start from a familiar template and add a subsystem at any time, or not.

Greg McKaskle