Labview camera problem solutions

first off this is my first post, be easy on my grammar im using the classmate pc to type this. this post is just for the basics of getting the camera to work using the default 2010 labview code. the code is massive, (not what she said) especially when it is your first programming experience. the camera is complicated and requires several updates to labview and the driver station.
oh yeah, if you encounter a password is needed use the ‘Breakaway4FRC!’ caps matter

  1. download the labview update,
    when activating the product make sure to use ‘L13R00000’

  2. download the driver station update,

  3. using the setup.exe dowload the driver station update

  4. using the setup.exe uninstall the update
    im refering to the FRC first touch cypress files and the FRC driver station

  5. using the setup.exe install the updates again
    im refering to the FRC first touch cypress files and the FRC driver station

  6. after updating labview use the crio imaging tool in order to update it to the newest image,

  7. when i was first troubleshooting i wish i knew about the developer drivers station, access my computer and put in ‘C:\Program Files\FRC Dashboard’ in order to access the dashboard (duh) and ‘C:\Program Files\FRC Driver Station’ to access the driver station can now access the drivers station without logging out and in again.

  1. now the camera, the camera needs to be connected to the classmate pc via a crossover cable, lasts years 08-09 kit of parts included one that was orange, if you need to know what they look like

  2. with the camera connected to the classmate pc go into the start menu, control panel, network connections, local area connection, scroll down to internet protocol (TCP/IP), change the ip address to 192.168.0.anything but 90, change the subnet mask to,

  3. access any internet webbrowser, put, this will take you to an enter username/password screen. if it does, proceed to step 14, if it doesnt read on.

  4. your camera has had its IP changed, in order to reset it to factory default unplug the power, hold the little black button for several seconds, plug in the power while still holding the black button, wait until it goes from red to green

  5. do step 11 again

  6. now put in ‘root’ as the username and ‘admin’ as password

  7. this gives you access to a screen where you can see what the camera sees, go into the setup and allow for a new user

  8. this user should be known as ‘FRC’ as username and ‘FRC’ as password

  9. make sure you save it!!

  10. disconnect the camera with the new user saved and connect it up to port 2 of the crio and plug an ethernet cable into the classmate and the crio port 1

  11. open up the newly updated labview, access the FRC crio robot project

  12. make sure you open a new one if you have modified anything in the old one, if messed around a bit and it messed up everything

  13. now click run on the in order to download everything on the crio

  14. open up the newly found dashboard.exe and driverstation.exe

  15. hopefully the camera should work

i hope this has helped you because it would have helped me in the beginning

-instigators 1596