Labview Deployment stuck on "navX Library"

When attempting to deploy the code to the robo rio it always gets stuck on this vi.

Or rather it states it’s deploying that vi and the fallowing line is:
“Waiting fo the target(Target) to respond”

We don’t have an issue when we just press run on robot when are are temporarily running code but we can’t seem to deploy it due to something with the navX library.

are you using the library update from a few days ago?

isn’t that what v2 is? where from? since there seems to be the download from official site and a download from team 900?

After removing any reference to the i2c stuff the current vi it seems to get stuck on is Open_SPI. It may actually be deploying it and it’s stuck on the one after it I’m not sure.

I just tried it with a fresh download from kauailabs

The LabVIEW library from Kauailabs is from team 900. Z900 -> Zebracorns 900 :ahh:

Kauailabs has been told of the updated LabVIEW library. I’m not sure if they have updated their copy yet, that would be a question for Scott. The latest version of the library is v2.0.5.0.

James is right, the official navX-MXP build didn’t contain this new release of the FRC900 navX-MXP LabVIEW Library. Thanks for helping us find this issue; the latest navX-MXP build has been updated to include the new LabVIEW Library version.