We are brand new programmers and we need to use Labview 2015 to program our robot. We are wondering if anybody can tell us the steps for setting up a joystick, and how to set up the buttons on the joystick to activate motors.
Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you!
If you haven’t done so already, I’d click to the tutorials tab of the Getting Started screen. It will walk you through a number of the situations you asked about.
Also, searching Chief Delphi will help find similar questions, and the answers to them.
Greg McKaskle
Team 358 also has some excellent examples:
The exact one you’re looking for is on that page.
Except the Joystick buttons and axes are not clusters this year, but arrays. The use of Unbundle By Name in those code examples will probably confuse new teams more than help them.
This guide is helpful:
Oops! Did not know that. Thanks for the clarification.