ok like all the other FIRST programmers out there i have recieved a link to a free 1 year lab view download. so i downloaded the xtremely large file and put in the license thing. then i used the activation code and i thought it would work.
the problem is it says something about it already being activated on another computer.
and it wont let me activate it no matter what i do.
You may be activating the wrong selection in License Manager. Pick the middle one, LabView 8.5.1 Development System and it should work. Also make sure your license file does not have .txt on the end of it. I used License Manager to install the license file from the file I created using Notepad and placed on my Desktop. I did a drag and drop into the License folder.
My two errors: picked the wrong selection in License Manager and somehow ended up with a license file that had the extension .lic.txt. I fixed those and it worked.
NI is not providing support to FRC and FTC teams through the standard support channel for all issues including activation. If you need help with anything (including activation) please use the forums on www.ni.com/first. These forums are moderated by full time Application Engineers and every question will be addressed.
During the build period from January 5th through February 17th technical phone support will be available to team leaders Monday through Friday between the hours of 1:00 PM and 7:00 PM CST.
I’ll add my $.02 on this because I had an issue last night and found a solution I haven’t seen posted yet.
I followed the directions exactly. Saved the license file exactly where instructed and made certain it was saved as a .lic file. Still, when activating, I had a failure. Just for grins, I opened the file and compared it’s formatting to other license files in the same folder. The FRC license was in fact buggered up. All the text was there but the formatting was all wrong. So, here is the solution I tried, and it worked.
Instead of saving the target, or saving the file etc. I clicked on the link to display the content of the file. It displays with the same formatting as the other license files have. I then just selected all the text, copied and pasted it into the original .lic file, replacing the original text. Saved the file and attempted activation again. IT WORKS!!!