Labview Library for STM L3GD20 Digital Gyroscope

What do you do when your robot can rotate at 1,000° a second, but the kit-supplied gyroscope tops out at 250° per second? You hit the gyro reset button a LOT!

If you’ve had this problem, then then the Team 585 CyberPenguins have a solution for you. This year, we switched from the kit-supplied analog gyroscope to a ST Micro L3GD20 Digital Gyroscope, found in many different boards from Adafruit and Pololu.

The STM L3GD20 communicates over i2c and has three selectable full-scale rotation rates from 250°/s to 2,000°/s. Our library mimics the WPI library VI’s, so you can drop them in as an almost direct replacement.

The following boards have the L3GD20 or the slightly enhanced L3GD20H:

  • Adafruit 9-DOF IMU Breakout
  • Adafruit 10-DOF IMU Breakout
  • Adafruit L3GD20 Triple-Axis Gyro Breakout Board
  • Pololu AltIMU-10
  • Pololu L3GD20 3-axis Gyroscope
  • Pololu L3GD20H 3-axis Gyroscope
  • Pololu MinIMU-9 v2

Our library features automatic zeroing of all axes, and automatic scaling of outputs. We’ve taken the hassle out of integrating this device with LabView, and now offer it for all to use.

Take it for a spin! Let us know what you think!

L3GD20 (134 KB)

L3GD20 (134 KB)

This looks great. I just bought the Adafruit 10-DOF IMU Breakout and was wondering how to connect it to labview.

Is all the communication done through i2c? Do you have an example of how you would wire these up?

All of our communication was done through i2c, as that was the only supported interface for the Pololu boards we used.