LabVIEW Numeric Controls

I’ve been struggling to figure out how to work with the “increment” property of numeric controls in LabVIEW. (By “increment” I mean the amount that the value changes when pressing the up and down arrows in the front panel.)

For example, I have a simple VI set up with numeric controls A and B. I want A to increment by “0.1”, and B to increment by “10”. When I go into properties and change the increment for A, A works fine. But when I then try to change the increment for B to “10”, it instead changes A’s increment to “10”, and leaves B’s increment as the default value of “1”.

Anyone else struggle with this? Any ideas?

Can you post your example VI with these issues so we can better understand what is going on? :slight_smile:


There are 2 ways to change the increment behavior.

  1. Right click on control, and click on “properties.” Change the options under the “Data Entry” Tab.
  2. Use a property node. This is a advanced option, and you should understand the concept and limitations of property nodes before using them. If using them by references, (not directly linked) Then the behavior of what you see is possible when not implemented correctly.

If this did not help, please post example code as Ryan Gordon has already requested.

I’m seeing the same behavior. It’s as simple as putting two numeric controls on an empty front panel and then changing the increment value on the data entry tab in properties.

Which version of LabVIEW are you using? I cannot reproduce this behavior.

Known bug in the FRC 2010 version of LV (8.6.1) that has a patch that works fine.

A handy document to look for on the NI site is: LabVIEW 8.6.x Known Issues

When the new FRC LV edition arrives in the KOP I’d take the time to lookup the associated bug/issues list on the NI site.

kudos. I tried it in the standard version.
Edit: Just realized that I already had this patch/version installed. Standard LabVIEW <=8.6.1 also has this problem.

Mark–after setting up that patch, I get an “Executable version (8.6) doesn’t match resource file (8.6). Check your configuration.” message every time I run LabVIEW. Any thoughts? I’m still using the Breakaway version of LABView if that makes a difference.


Possibly one of the 3 (I think) files didn’t replace what it was supposed to replace.

You might unzip the patch to your desktop, then copy each of the new files manually to where each is supposed to go.
When I installed the patch originally, I kept backups of each of the files being replaced so I could easily back out the patch if it caused problems.

When do you plan to install the new version?

Will install the new version monday–I guess that’s partially why I was a bit careless and neglected to do the backup.

Tried to do it manually on my laptop and got it working, though. Thanks!

mine had the same error. i went in the patch folder and ran the .msi’s and told them to repair now it works :slight_smile: