LabVIEW Rev Pneumatic Hub Error

Latest firmware/drivers/patches all installed.

Robot is functioning, driving, etc utilizing LabVIEW code.

We have been unable to get the new Rev Pneumatic Hub to function (in LabVIEW).
We can get it to work using Rev Hardware Client.
This is the error message we consistently get upon loading drivestation:
ERROR -44083 The Pneumatic Hub has firmware version 200.0.0, and must be updated to version 2022.0.0 or later using the REV Hardware Client.FRC: The CAN Jaguar firmware is out of date.

****** Please NOTE: Latest Firmware IS installed.

We have reached out to Rev and are waiting for their input, but figure it is worthwhile tossing it out here.

Any suggestions?

It seems like the firmware version is being decoded incorrectly. The PH code is written by NI. There are some NI engineers on chiefdelphi, but you may have better luck posting on the NI FRC forums.

Any particular reason you set the CAN ID to 2 instead of 1?
The software may be looking for ID 1.

Nope. Arbitrary. Will try and change and see if it works.

Probably not related.
The PDH has been working for me on several robots.
I’ll experiment to see if I can find a way to make it croke.

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Tried setting CAN on PDP to 1 and Pneumatic to 6. Still no go.
Digging down , i am finding that that message is from the

Hmmm, it showing a probe value (CAN ID out of 1).

Can anyone check what CAN values they are using for PDP & Pneumatic Hub?

1 & 1
CAN IDs are unique to device type.

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Okay, that was totally unexpected.

Looks like the Rev Pneumatic Hub is expecting to be at CAN 1.
I think that is it.

For others reading the thread because maybe they got the same error, that error message is a little erroneous. We had the same message when we have no power to our PH. I think that’s the message you get when the RIO simply can’t talk to the PH.

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