Kettering University in Flint Michigan is hosting a LabView training session. Here are the details.
This will be interactive (everyone should have a Laptop–NOT A CLASSMATE!–with LabVIEW installed and activated. No robot required).
In three hours, this is what we will cover:**
– LabView Environment Basics
– Functions, Loops,and Decision Making
– SubVis
– Getting Help
Lecture Style
–Detailed analysis of the framework
– Modifying the framework
– What is a “Ref Num?”
– What is a “Watchdog?”
– How do I use Vision?"
– How do I use the Dashboard (time allowing)?
We are offering this workshop at Kettering from 9:00-12:00 Noon on Saturday, January 22nd. I need to know how many people you can send and how many please. Lunch will be available after the workshop in the Kettering cafeteria for those of you that would like to utilize it.
I look forward to seeing some of your robotics members next Saturday again. If you have any questions, please feel to e-mail me at [email protected] or on my cell phone at 1-810-240-5487.