Laptop as driver station allowed -- driver account set up needed?

Hi All

I know the rules allow us to use other lap tops than classmate – Thank the LORD

But someone mentioned, not in a chief delphi thread, you have to have your laptop set up with Driver Account and Developer account…

I did not see this in rules… (hopefully this is not true, want to be 100% sure before competition this weekend)

Is this true, if yes, how is this done – Windows 7


The Driver account was a requirement to connect to the field in previous years. It is no longer a requirement this year according to the “install the Driver Station on a non-Classmate” link from the Kit of Parts Driver Station webpage.

You do not need to set up the driver laptop with any type of account this year.

We just installed on one of our student’s laptop’s main account and it played fine with FMS.

thank you…

It’s all explained in this PDF from FIRST

Installingthe2012DriverStationonanon-ClassmatePC_Rev1.pdf (520 KB)

Installingthe2012DriverStationonanon-ClassmatePC_Rev1.pdf (520 KB)