Laptop won't connect to XRP wifi

I’m trying to set up an XRP using the WPILIB guide (XRP Hardware, Assembly and Imaging — FIRST Robotics Competition documentation) and am having trouble connecting to it over wifi from my laptop. I can connect to the XRP wifi from my phone, but the laptop tries and gives a “Can’t connect to this network message”. I’ve tried a second XRP and get the same result.

I’ve unsuccessfully tried changing the batteries per this post: XRP Wifi connection.

Any other ideas? Thanks in advance!

That was my thread. We never got the things to work right and gave up. They are sitting in a basket unused in our lab.

We meant to go back and try again but never did.

Bummer, but thanks for letting me know!

We filed a support ticket and they thought it might be a connection issue with that particular laptop. Maybe try a different box or another Wireless device.

Never followed up…but we should. We bought several XRPs

I don’t have a solution to your issues, but just wanted to add a data point that I have several XRPs and have had no issues connecting to the wifi for them

Have you tried re-imaging the XRP?

Yes, have tried re-imaging a few times. Have even tried the clearing the flash memory in between as suggested here: WIFI connection issues - FIRST - Experiential Robotics Platform XRP (forgot to link that one in the OP).

Just something to think about, is your laptop managed by a school/org? Perhaps there might be some group policy or some weird firewall preventing you from connecting to the wifi (since you can connect on your phone). For example, the laptop can only connected to “secured” networks. While I haven’t seen this personally, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was causing it.

Good thought. This is my personal laptop and I’ve done all sorts of troubleshooting to make sure wireless drivers are updated, 2.4G is enabled, and wireless mode is on Auto (also tried 802.11b/g/n). I won’t have access to another laptop for a few more days, but looking forward to trying that. Thanks!

Another thing I just thought of. If your phone can connect to the XRP, and if your laptop can connect to your phones hotspot, you can have your phone connect to the XRP, and then connect your laptop to your phone. I know my Pixel 7 (admittedly a newer phone) allows me to do this, so if you can’t figure anything else out, maybe this can be a last resort to try out.

Try an area with no other 2.4G traffic to cause interference. That has impacted some of ours. Definitely fresh batteries.

Thanks, connecting through my phone’s hotspot did get it working. Definitely not ideal, but at least I can work on it now.

This could be it too. I have a separate 2.4G channel on my home router. Thanks.