Las Vegas Archived Videos

I have been looking at the archived videos on SOAP for Las Vegas and it seems that something is wrong. I am specifically looking for matches done with Team 1885. Before match 29, it seems that the videos don’t match the match results on FIRST’s website. Plus, some of the matches before 29 seem to be missing (even though all of the videos have the correct numbers inside them). The match 1885 played in somewhere around #37 seems to also be missing. Can somebody tell me why the results on FIRST’s website don’t match the actual order of the matches on SOAP?
Also, the match 44 video is not match 44, but a short clip of somebody talking. Plus, the match 54 video started half way into the match. Is somebody going to fix these?

Ok, after looking around more I found the missing matches (even though they still didn’t line up with the match results on the FIRST website). However, the match 44 video is still not really match 44 and 54 is still started halfway through.

Unless somebody in Team 108 has the quarterfinal matches for NV (other than match 3 in QF 2 and 4), I will be taking the webcast I taped off of my computer and putting it into video files. Now, if somebody does have the quarterfinals (obviously in better quality than the webcast itself), could it be posted? Otherwise, once I get the quarterfinals split, is there a way for me to post it on SOAP so everybody can see it?

We have them, we just need to get them off the laptop and upload them to the server. I guess a couple didn’t make it along for the ride during uploading. Hopefully one of us will be able to do it by Friday and if not, by Monday. Sorry about the error, especially on an eliminations match. I should have double checked before we packed up and left.

As I watched the webcast and monitored the match results from home, the results seemed to get screwed up after I watched the match at “12:07” (when it really was posted at 11:07). I assume the scoring computer was set to a time zone one hour ahead and was only discovered at that point. Since the match results are sorted by Time and not by match number, the subsequent matches after 11:07 began being inserted between the matches with the incorrect time. You’ll notice there are two matches that were posted at “11:35”.

Hmm… that’s weird. At least I have figured out which match numbers my team was in and I may be able to get them all in a few days. I will await the upload of the missing videos!

Ugh. This seemed to have happened at a lot of regionals. Somehow the order the matches were actually played and the order of the matches stored in the database stopped being the same. This makes it extremely difficult to pair matches up with the information in the database, especially because FIRST overwrites matches in the result of ties in eliminations.

If somehow FIRST could provide us the match schedule with “Qualification 15” instead of “11:34am”, then it would be much easier to do everything. I’ve spoken with people from FIRST about making an open API or XML feeds of match information available so people can easily do interesting statistics and provide auxiliary services. If only FIRST would catch the Web 2.0 wave of openness…

Any news on this? I am looking for QF1-1 and QF1-2.

Thanks guys!

It would be nice if the videos are on at least tomorrow. Afterwards you can decide if you want to remove them to make room for the championship.


If your servers are still full and you need a place to upload video, The Blue Alliance has plenty of disk space left and we would be happy to hold a copy online while you free up some storage. PM or E-mail me and I can send you FTP credentials. (Anyone else with any video we don’t have feel free to do the same: we’re trying to build a complete collection).

In the next few days we’ll begin the long and arduous, uphill both ways in the snow process of encoding the Championship video and posting it streamable online.

We have a new video host and will be migrating the movies within 48 hours. We have 25 times the storage space and twice the bandwidth. More details to come.

Wow, it sounds like you can post every video from this year plus a good chunk of last year’s videos! :eek: