It seems NASA has dropped from its list the Las Vegas regional broadcast. Anyone know if there is a broadcast for Las Vegas regional next weekend?
I want to watch my 1902 team.
It seems NASA has dropped from its list the Las Vegas regional broadcast. Anyone know if there is a broadcast for Las Vegas regional next weekend?
I want to watch my 1902 team.
According to team 108 and NASA rep, the broadcast IS on for LVR even though it doesn’t show on NASA website…
Is it down for the rest of you as well?
Yup, the broadcast went down for me as well.
Possibly because they’re on their lunch break?
I’ve been trying to view the Lone Star Regional webcast all-day and get a Windows Media Player network error message. I was watching Las Vegas earlier, but now I’m getting a cannot connect to server error message. Maybe the server is too busy or off-line??
I lost the broadcast around lunchtime (in Vegas) yesterday, but it worked again by later in the afternoon… I’m having the same problem today. ):
I saw one match yesterday where your team’s alliance was playing against 254’s alliance… probably the most incredible practice match I’ve seen this season. 254 put up 11 ringers, and 1902 **scored a keeper **in autonomous, placed seven ringers, and spoiled one of 254’s tubes. That match was fast-paced and very intense. I enjoyed watching it even though I was in the convenience of my own home.
It’s back!
Yep! And for the guy from 1902, I just watched your team play another match (against 254 again) and you placed eleven tubes- a keeper, nine ringers, and a spoiler.
Wow…I just saw the 1902 vs 254 match…that was awesome
and I have one more word to add…PINK…are these guys for real??? YOU BET THEY ARE
In the 3:24 PM Match 1885’s FlatCat & Pink are on the same alliances. Score is 170 to zip, 1885’s FlatCat & Pink & Ally (989) win.
In the 4:06 PM Match 1885’s FlatCat & Pink are on opposing alliances. Score is 64 to 16, FlatCat & Allies (815 & 1425) win.
Maybe there is a pattern here? :)
On the other hand… The 3:24 Match is Friday’s High Score and only one other score is close to it (Pink’s previous match with allies 2034 and 1110).
Go Pink! Go purple FlatCat!
I just watched match 66 I believe…it was 1902 vs. somebody, and 1902 got flipped in the match. I’m happy to say that 1902 was able to pull out that win, because what happened to them is not right. If your ramps deploy early, DO NOT USE them to play defense, it isn’t right, and refs are not calling it. I just felt i needed to say something because that was blaitantly a wrong thing to do.