Last minute teaser

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inside of a vacuum cleaner roller?

plasma chamber for a flux capacitor

That’s what I thought too.:slight_smile:

Inside of a rapid-prototyped roller with something (fingers?) threaded into them.

are those sensors or rollers?

Well that is impressive.

Is this actually on your final robot? If so, what material did you prototype with and what machine?

To push my luck: nylon cord/wire FDM.

I will go out on a limb. How about.

A length of PVC pipe with a bearing pressed into the opposite end, (looks yellowish due to low exposure). Also, the ends of some bolts that attach something to the outside are peaking in through some turned and threaded custom Nylon nuts.

RAIL GUN! You beat the military into getting them into projectile-based operation!

Seriously, because the thingys are staggered, and it looks like a ball wouldn’t fit down this barrel, IT IS :ahh: a rotary sweeper that will take the balls up from the BallAquisitionDevice to the Shooter inside a cylindrical canister.

Honestly, we thought about something like that for 2009 but we detiremened it wouldn’t be effictive because of the large holes in the balls.

Hang on, were the Moon Rocks swiss-cheesed to save weight for the field prep crew?:smiley: