Last Year's Gyro

Are we allowed to use the gyro that shipped in last year’s (2007) kit of parts? I would like to use it instead of this year’s for the higher turn rate.\

Also, we have a sponsor donating $1000 for electronics parts. I can’t think of anything, anybody got any good ideas? :smiley:

Is it a COTS and not developed exclusively for FIRST?

COTS ITEMS from ROBOTS entered in previous FIRST competitions or COTS
MECHANISMS that are no longer commercially available may be used under the following conditions:
 The item must be unmodified, and still in its original condition as delivered from the VENDOR
 The item must not be a part custom made for the FIRST competition and provided in the Kit Of Parts for a previous FIRST Robotics Competition (e.g. 2006 FRC transmissions, custom-made motor couplers, custom sensor strips, 2006 IFI CMUcam II modules, etc. are not permitted)
 The item must satisfy ALL of the rules associated with materials/parts use for the 2008 FIRST Robotics Competition)
It apparently would be legal, unless it violates <R36>. At least, I can’t find anything against it. (To be very sure, ask Q&A.)

I believe these were made just for FIRST.

I was wondering if the 2007 Gear Tooth Sensor would also fall in the COTS category. . . They are nearly identical to this year’s except a different revision and color. I asked the question in the Q&A but has yet to be answered

You can’t use last year’s kit gyro since it is mounted on a custom board that is no longer available. However, if you want the same gyro mounted on a board, try here (provided from another post that I can’t seem to find):


In which case, they would be illegal. <R36>, second bullet.