Our team just won the SBPLI Regional Chairman’s Award, and we are now trying to get registered for Georgia.

I logged into TIMS and there is no longer a opntion for event registration, which I can understand, since the seaons is just about over :slight_smile:

I would like to know if any teams have contacted FIRST about registereing after winning a regional or award, and how all the details were worked out.

I already e-mailed FIRST and will be calling them tomorrow morning, but the 24 hour wiat is killing me. So if anyone has any information, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance!

I believe this process is clearly laid out in the manual or the updates. I wish I could be more help but my copies still need to be unpacked after returning home last night from Annapolis. You should be able to find on the FIRST site.

This information was as an e-mail blast sent at the beginning of the month. In case you missed it, it was posted here:

I just logged into TIMS and the ‘Add Event’ option is still there, I believe if you log in and try and add the Championship it will put you on the wait list, then you can call FIRST tommorrow and pay them and they will hook you up to get on the “In” list. Congrats!

Yes, I’m sorry… I forgot that you had to go into EDIT TEAM INFO, to add the event. I thought it was on the main page.

All these awards are making my head so big I can’t think straight :slight_smile:

Thanks again!