Latex Tubing

When our team was looking through our kit of parts, we found some latex tubing. Last year, the tubing was in the kit too, and we were at a loss for what it was intended for. Besides being a on pulley or some kind of spring, are there any obvious uses for the tubing? It’s been on everyone on my team’s mind. Thanks.

It’s typically used a giant elastic band.

It’s more commonly known around these parts as “Surgical Tubing”.

and its the most awesome build material ever.

almost all of 1075’s robots have used it for something.

I can’t think of a year when we didn’t use some.

Spring, minibot tread, gripper for game pieces, encoder coupler…

I’ve used it for all of those reasons as well.
Note: it does fly off wheels if you spin them at 6,000RPM. It grips the discs pretty well though. The inside is better than the outside.

ya we use surgical tubing on our rollers in the past to help pull in the ball in 2010

Cleaning it with rubbing alcohol restores the grippyness real well, too.

Passive assistance to reduce mechanism loading:
“Helps your motor do the work faster, while drawing less current.”

Thanks everyone! I think we’re just using ours as a glorified rubberband at the moment.